frontier fantasy folk art from Golden, Colorado
Pulsatilla, Wind Flower, Prairie Smoke, Wild Crocus, Easter Flower, Anemone patens πΎππΎ The name Pasqueflower comes from the Hebrew word for Passover, Pesach, and she nearly always blooms right on time π With downy silver hairs on her leaves and stem, she glows in a sunlit mist π
flowering season: March - June
Viola adunca
flowering season: May - August
Cowslip, Prairie Bluebells, Mertensia
flowering season: June - August
flowering season: June and July
photos: Lookout Mountain Preserve and Green Mountain Trail, CO
Western Clematis, Western Blue Virginsbower Flower, Clematis occidentalis
flowering season: May - July
Flag, Fleur-de-lis, Iridaceae
flowering season: mid-May in lower elevations, through July in mountains
photos: Golden Gate Canyon State Park, CO
Prairie Flax
flowering season: June through August
photos: Golden, CO
Lupinus argenteus
flowering season: June through August
photos: Golden, CO
flowering season: May - August
photos: South Table Mountain Park, CO
Delphinium nuttallianum
flowering season: May - July
Queen of Colorado πππ Aquilegia coerulea
flowering season: mid-June to mid-August
Shop prints of Columbine~ 5x7 * 8x10 * poster print
Harebell, Bellflower, Bluebell, Campanula rotundifolia
flowering season: late June, July, and August
photo: Golden Gate Canyon State Park, CO
Blue Gentian, Pleated Gentian
flowering season: late June to August
photos: Indian Peaks Wilderness, CO
Showy Daisy, Fleabane, Erigeron speciosus
flowering season: June through September
photos: Golden Gate Canyon State Park, CO
Deadly Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade, Woody Nightshade, Blue Bindweed, Solanum dulcamara
flowering season: June to August
photos: Clear Creek Open Space, Wheat Ridge, CO
Click on each wildflower to see and learn more.
All images copyrighted, available for licensing.